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Опубликованно: 20.01.2021.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
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Фрагмент работы

Of course, there can be cases where State can decide that it isn’t in its interests to act in accordance with EU laws. The solution for this is clear, State must leave EU. Now for the first time in EU history, this is happening – BREXIT. It will be interesting to see what the relationship between EU and ex Member States will be, especially in a legal and regulatory context.
It can be concluded that ''membership of the EU has resulted in States having an additional source of law to contend with - that of the EU.'' It hasn’t been easy for Member States to fully accept the consequences of this membership in regards to EU law supremacy and direct effect. This is understandable as the EU has created new legal order that is constantly evolving and many aspects of EU law development and impact on Member States legal systems were unforeseen. Nowadays States have accepted EU law as a vital part of their legal system that has a strong influence on evolution not only on national but States values and goals.
This acceptance plays a crucial role in the existence of the EU because the EU ''does not enforce its law on its own but relies on the administrative bodies of the Member States.'' This isn’t an easy task, because of many cultural, economic differences and the need for States to ensure their core constitutional values and severity. If EU law, especially its core principles weren’t uniformly accepted and abided by now 28 Member States, it would disfigure the aim of the EU. Ergo, ''the concept of primacy of European Union law aims at guaranteeing the uniform application of European Union law within the Member States.''
Drawing to end, author of this essay strongly believes that EU law ''is not like other sources of international law.'' It has transformed State stance concerning national law and sovereignty. The principles of EU law impact the core of national law. Hence, ''while these principles may appear simplistic and obvious, their effect on the EU has been profound, elevating its relevance and ensuring its uniform effectiveness throughout Europe.''

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