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Опубликованно: 15.04.2003.
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Eminem aka Marshall Mathers has become one of the most acclaimed rappers in the industry, but why? It may be due to his somewhat schizophrenic personality. He has attracted a large following with young adults along with parents, writers, and the government. The youth see Marshall Mathers, a young guy that comes up with fun songs such a "The Real Slim Shady" and others songs about his daughter and coming up from a tough childhood, which many poverty stricken kids can relate to. Parents and government officials have harsh feelings when it comes to Eminem, they would like to see his lyrics censored and believe he is a bad role model for the youth of America, talking about killing his mother, wife and whoever else pisses his off. So this will introduce you to the two faces of the most famous rapper today.
He was born Marshall Bruce Mathers but created the Eminem identity that allows him to fully rage and get lauded for it instead of imprisonment. He made his rise in the rap scene spitting out the most controversial lyrics America had heard in a long time. Most of these are feelings from his childhood growing up in the ghetto of Detroit. …

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