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Опубликованно: 03.09.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

These aspects were the major causes which doomed the Weimar republic to ultimate failure and the rise of Hitler's nationalist party to power.
<Tab/>Up until 1918, the Kaiser had been running Germany as a military dictatorship. At the start of 1918, Germany was winning the war, but with America joining the allies, and German supplies running extremely low, Germany's fate changed quickly, and in June 1918, their major offensives had slowed, and then come to a holt. The allies then counter-attacked and with Germany to weak to defend itself, and their territory threatened- they had no choice but to make peace. The German army's position had changed so quickly, many people had trouble accepting that they were losing the war. The Allies offered peace on the condition that Germany got rid of the Kaiser- but at first, he refused to abdicate. On 9 November 1918 the Kaiser finally abdicated and fled to the Netherlands. The Social Democrat Party wanted to take control, they were afraid that extremists would revolt and take over the country. The Social Democrats then announced that there would be a setting up of a German republic, which they would run in coalition with other socialist parties, and on November the 11th, 1918, an armistice was agreed between Germany and the allies.
<Tab/>Now- with the Weimar Republic established, although the Social Democrats were in charge- they were not in control, and the new Republic was lacking support and Germany was unstable. …

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