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Опубликованно: 07.02.2011.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 7 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

Region is a geographical term that is used in various ways among the different branches of geography. In general, a region is a medium-scale area of land, Earth or water,
smaller than the whole areas of interest (which could be, for example, the world, a nation, a
river basin, mountain range, and so on), and larger than a specific site or location. A region
can be seen as a collection of smaller units (as in "the New England states") or as one part of
a larger whole (as in "the New England region of the United States").
Regions are areas and or the spaces used in the study of geography. A region can be
defined by physical characteristics, human characteristics and functional characteristics. As a way of describing spatial areas, the concept of regions is important and widely used among
the many branches of geography, each of which can describe areas in regional terms. For example, ecoregion is a term used in environmental geography, cultural region in cultural geography, bioregion in Biogeography, and so on. The field of geography that studies regions themselves is called Regional geography.
A region may “reflect the pattern of human settlement, marked by common language,
ethnicity, or culture. A region can also “be an artificial construct, a means of identifying social and economic priorities, which can be best addressed through cooperation across existing
administrative, territorial, or political divisions”.
There are several definitions and it can be applied to the term “region” : Administrative regions – established to promote decentralization.
Economic regions – reflecting special kind of economic structure ( e.g. “Blue Banana”, Silicon Glen in Scotland) or an area designed for a special economic development.…

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