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  • These Raging Days of Our Lives, Speaks of Euthanasia and Medicine


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Опубликованно: 10.01.1996.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

Arguments such as these have no substance at all, if one looks closely. Dent, in a letter to his government, made numerous points that show this. He argued that 'If I were to keep a pet animal in the same condition I am in, I would be prosecuted.' He also restated the already widely known fact that religion and state must be kept separated: 'What right has anyone, because of their own religious faith (to which I don't subscribe), to demand that I behave according to their rules until some omniscient doctor decides that I have had enough and goes ahead and increases my morphine until I die?' The answer to that question is undeniably, NONE, no right at all.
With time, and the understanding of the public, the right to die campaign can be won. People would have the freedom to decide when they have had enough suffering and how they wish to die. Yet the time it will take is most probably a long one. Many problems and obstacles must be overcome, from the oppression of religious organisations to the negative image portrayed by biased media. In time these organisations might see the light, and we will all be able to go gentle into that good night.

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