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Опубликованно: 26.05.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

The attitudes of the time were very accepting of nudes; again Ingres was painting in the Renaissance period. Ingres although had a problem with accepting the style of romanticism as he had spent so long studying the style of Raphael that he had a real problem with the style. This came out in his work and some people view his work as not up to date with the time, although his work was beautiful, it did not meet the new standards of the romanticist style. Although he never quite understood romanticism, his rich details and color combination overlap with Romantic qualities.
Ingres nudes are erotic yet innocent but they do have a sensuous beauty. Ingres depiction of the nude was also greatly influenced by the concerns of other artists such a s Delacroix his opponent who wads a romanticist, the attitude towards drawing and his idealistic yet real woman, and the beliefs of his very progressive and ever changing time.

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