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  • To what Extent Can It Be Claimed that England Underwent an Industrial Revolution in the Years 1750 - 1850?


    Эссе3 Экономика

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Опубликованно: 01.12.1996.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

The most significant factor in the development of the iron industry has to be linked back to the steam engine and Boulton and Watts. Because of the addition of the rotary motion to the engine it allowed it to work the bellows and therefore produce more heat, and so more iron. So if not for coal and the steam engine it is possible that the revolution in the iron industry might have taken a lot longer to come about. It was also possible that the iron trade could have faced decline at the end of the wars but they looked elsewhere for the uses of iron, the most obvious being the railway industry, this was to play an important part in the rise of the iron industry.
In conclusion the industrial revolution all started in the textile industry, which needed to produce more quantities of cotton, so therefore needed new inventions and engines that spurred on the coal industry that in turn made the iron trade a success. The dictionary definition of industrial revolution is 'the transformation of Britain and other countries into industrial nations' and as Britain was really the first nation to have become an industrial nation thanks to all the inventors, it underwent a major change and made a giant leap into the industrial revolution.

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