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Опубликованно: 29.04.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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I recon that, it doesn't actually matter if Kennedy was a genuine supporter of civil rights or not, as long as he was doing something to improve it. People tend to forget all other pressures that were on Kennedy at the same time as the civil rights crisis, such as the Cuban crisis which potentially threatened world peace. From my point of view that would become subsequently much more important than civil rights. However I do understand and take into account the view that civil rights was a serious problem, which definitely had to be addressed, especially when the united states were claiming that they were the perpetrators of peace and liberty. Considering JFK's premature death, the general world situation, (Vietnam, Cuban Missile Crisis) I think that the extent of JFK's civil rights achievements were limited.
While President Johnson was able to achieve remarkably a lot, especially when faced with the Vietnam War. …

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