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Опубликованно: 01.12.1996.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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IX. Conclusion:
There are several important features of TCP/IP that helped it to become the standard of the Internet. Because TCP/IP performs error checking there is a reasonably efficient and error-free transmission. TCP/IP can use any medium such as coaxial cable, fiber optics or microwave. TCP/IP is also independent of the network model that is used. TCP/IP can operate on a Local Area Network (LAN) despite if it has bus topology, token ring or star. It can also send large files across unreliable networks with assurance that the data will be received uncorrupted and error free. TCP/IP is compatible with many different data link protocols. All venders are equal with TCP/IP, which means that a user can purchase any computer and be confident in the fact that, with TCP/IP they will be able to communicate with any other computer that is available. Operating systems that are chosen by the user also make no difference to TCP/IP. For the most part operating systems today come with TCP/IP already installed (Davidson, 1998). These are just some of the reasons why TCP/IP is the most commonly used network layer protocol.

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