Title of Republic of Latvia, abbreviated: Latvia. Latvian: Latvija, Lithuanian: Latvija, Estonian: Läti, German: Lettland, French: Lettonie, Spanish: Letonia. Country code: LV. Latvia is Europe Union country.
Latvian national currency is the lats (LVL), 1 lats consists of 100 santims. If you are from Europe country, you must know that in nowadays in Latvia you can’t pay off effective money with Euro. In biggest cities is easy to change many.
Summer time in Latvia is from June to August, average temperature in this season is 15.8°C. The warmest month is July. Winter time is form December to February. The average temperature in winter is –4.5°C and coldest month is January. I suggest tourist visiting Latvia directly in these month, because in July you fully can enjoy summer sun and activities, and in January just counter enjoy cold winter joy.
Latvia is a country of splendid and diverse natural landscapes. Forests cover 44 percent of the territory. In many of them are making special pathway for pedestrians, but I recommend take you to Latvia your bicycle, because bicycle–tourism is popular time spending kind in summer period.…