Voodoo is one of the oldest religions which have been around in Africa since the beginning of human civilizations. However it was born in Haiti during the European colonization of Hispaniola. The slaves practiced voodoo in secret, and it was a way for them to communicate with each other. Music and dance are the main elements to voodoo ceremonies. Voodoo is practiced around the world.
Vodun is commonly called Voodoo by the public. The name is traceable to an African word for "spirit". Vodun's can be directly traced to the West African Yoruba people who lived in 18th and 19th century Dahomey. Its roots may go back 6,000 years in Africa. That country occupied parts of today's Togo, Benin and Nigeria. Slaves brought their religion with them when they were forcibly shipped to Haiti and other islands in the West Indies.