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Опубликованно: 06.11.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

The "War on Drugs" in the United States, is a waste of time and a waste of taxpayer's money. Taxpayers in the United States are paying billions of more money on the war on drugs then, we are for the war in Iraq, far more causalities from the war on drugs then in the war in Iraq and hundreds of more prisoners in the war on drugs then in the war in Iraq. Since the war on drugs began, arrests went up 50% however; the number of users and the supply of drugs stayed the same. President Bush even wanted to spend more money on the war on drugs. Even though, most cities and states can translate back to spending three quarters of their budget on the war on drugs alone. While, our society can still purchase drugs easier then, buying a bottle of alcohol or a pack of cigarettes, it is hurting our society. If we can't keep drugs out of our prisons then, how can we keep them off our streets? There has to be a better way to fight the war on drugs because we have to face it, it is a failure. Incarcerating more and more people for longer and longer amounts of time for drug offences is ridiculous: all we are doing is building more prisoners. We are not reducing the amount of drugs in our country. What is this solving? Nothing. …

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