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Опубликованно: 01.12.1996.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

The result obtained showed that the potato cell increase mass in solutions with a high water concentration and decrease in mass in solutions with low water concentration.
By referring to the graph, I have found out the average concentration of the potato cells is 0.65M. As this is the point where the potato is not increasing or decreasing in mass. I have found out the solute potential by referring to the graph plotted from the data in which relationship between molarity and solute potential of sucrose soluton were given .The concentration obtained in my results is compared on this graph and then the line is drawn on the concentration obtained suggesting the value for solute potential. Therefore the solute potential for the obtained concentration of 0.65M for the potato cell is -1890kpa . I think my prediction on value of concentration of sucrose is close enough to the value obtained on the graph. Therefore I can reasonably be confident about the results obtained. This prediction was based on the preliminary work obtained result. As sweet potato contains more solute than the normal potato, so I thought that the concentration of normal potato cell will be less than that of sweet potato cell. The molar concentration of sweet potato cell was 0.8M and the solute potential -2580kPa.Therefore I predicted that 0M, 0.2M, 0.4M will not be suitable value for the molar concentration of potato as these contains very few solute molecules. Therefore I predicted that the value will be between 0.5M-0.7M. Finally I predicted one value as 0.6M which seems very close enough to the molar concentration obtained on the graph. Above this value the mass of the potato decreases more. At 0.8M and at 1.0M the solution contains more solute particles and low water potential. The concentration of water in potato is high than that in these concentration. Therefore water leaves the potato cell to reach equilibrium point with solution of sucrose. As water leaves the cell, the mass of the potato decreases more than the previous concentration. At 0.8M the mass decrease is -2.94% with compared to 1.0M which has high decrease of -7.91%.
As in high concentration (at 1.0),few water molecules are present than in the molar concentration of 0.8M.

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