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Опубликованно: 03.05.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

Many changes took place in the Education system in Early-Modern Britain. This paper will firstly discuss the changes to the form of education, how education has moved away from the exclusive realm of private tutorage towards grammar schools and akin. This paper will delve into the role of education and the achievement of a more cultivated youth. The paper will discuss the nature of education and how it evolved into an education with a more practical curriculum via a humanistic education. Finally it will discuss the changes to the availability of education to larger segments of the population in Early Modern Britain.
There were many forms of education that evolved in Early Modern Britain. The education system that existed in that time period departed from those that existed in medieval Britain.
At the start of Early-Modern Britain, schooling was very limited in its form. Education was not as widespread as it was towards the end of the period. Education was normally limited to the Royalty and Nobility. Not through legislation but the expense of private tuition and lack of other established educational institutions. Private tutors were the educators of British Society in Medieval times. Tutors were academics that taught children in their homes. Tutors sometimes lived with their students and became tutor-companions of the students. This mode of education was clearly out of reach to a large proportion of the population. The other previous form of limited education was related to the religious orders of the time, within monasteries. This was very limited due to the numbers that the church could take and provide employment for.

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