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Опубликованно: 21.05.2006.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

In addition, the war took away 15 million of men from their farm lands. Without the people working on the farm land, this undoubtedly would create food shortage, since not enough food was produced. According to the Supply Demand Graph, due to the shortage in food, it created a scarcity and the price of the food would increase. An inflation was already taking place, the further increase in the price of food only made the normal people unable to purchase the necessities of life. People were enraged and irritated when they had to starve, and this only worsened the situation. In 1916-1917, Russia was experiencing a very severe winter, where the food shortages were getting worse and there was even famine in some major cities in Russia. The unrest in Petrograd rose.
All of the events mentioned above, the inability of the Tsar, the WWI, the impact of the war on society, contributed to the cause of the February Revolution in 1917 by making the people unrest or losing their loyalty and faith in the Tsar regime. This marked the collapse of the over three hundred years of the Romanov Dynasty and the start of the Revolutions in 1917.

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