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Опубликованно: 26.01.2010.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 4 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

The Age of Realism or Victorian period came with new ideas and beliefs upon many things in human life; it was an approach in literature whose subjects were represented as straightforward as possible without idealizing them and showing even the ugliest sides of the things. People became socially active, and they wanted to see their everyday life depicted plausible and fully believable. The rise of middle-class culture, social mobility, the decline of social knowledge, the loom of industrialization and ever-expanding technology, as well as the clash between person and social role describe the most important features of Realism. The details of environment, circumstances and motivation, as well as the details of temporality with its cause and effect became the main field for the exploration of human values and fate. The main stress was put on individual and on his social environment. The human being was a secular personality living in the world not informed by spiritual presence. Everything was so fixed in the society that there was not enough space for spiritual dimension. The individual was perceived as a social phenomenon, and a lot of attention was paid for the depiction of the surroundings, painstakingly detailed representation of the environment, where the individual had to live, because it revealed his character. The rights of the individual were theorized with a big focus on the self as the object of moral and political concern.…

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