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Опубликованно: 07.01.2020.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

Tess goes through a lot during her life. She is very naïve and unexperienced and because of that, men can easily take advantage of her, which ends up happening. After she is forced by her mother to pay a visit to D'Urbervilles and ‘claim kin’, there she meets Alec who constantly tries to seduce her. Since Tess works for his family, she can’t really do anything. Even though she tries to be very modest and even at some instances be more powerful and proud and say no. For example, on their ride to the D’Urbervilles house Alec is trying to get Tess to kiss him, but Tess managed to take control in her own hands and as a result had to walk all the way to the house so that she doesn’t have to kiss Alec. However, unfortunately, Alec still managed to get under her dress, quite literary. He forces her to come ride with him back home after a night out. He quite purposely gets lost so he could have more time with Tess alone where she can’t either leave or say no to him. After falling asleep, Alec takes advantage of Tess and rapes her. In the morning, Alec showed no remorse or care for Tess and left her. However, when he sees Tess leaving the house, he apologizes and offers her clothes and money. …

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