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Опубликованно: 01.12.1996.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Woman as a Victim of Liberty
Revealing the applications of J.S. Mill's notorious essays, On Liberty, Utilitarianism and The Subjection of Women, exposes ideological merits crucial to the understanding of the efficacy, or inadequacy, of social morality and capability; neither of which are mutually exclusive. In reducing the philosophy to a manageable intensity and modern applicability, an illustration can be drawn in consideration to the employment procedure. How, for instance, would Mill address the hiring process if a male employer were to select the employment of a female applicant over a male applicant, with the same credentials, based on the understanding that, though the female worker may need more personal days in order to care for her family, she will be less likely to demand pay increases or bonuses. In addressing this topic, while affirming observations through reference to the text, it will be crucial to note whether Mill's concepts have survived modernization and if they are in fact contemporarily relevant. Exploring the scenario will require a strict analysis of Mill's essays, starting with On Liberty and finishing with The Subjection of Women.

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