To sum up, the three day trip around Semigalia is very educational and unequivocally the tourists will have got a lot of cultural knowledge about a few surroundings of Semigalia, for instance:
• Tourists will get a lot of information about many tourist attractions in Semigalia;
• They will be able to tell others about Semigalia`s places
• They will get acquainted with fabulous landscapes of Semigalia
• They will estimate the most tourist attractions
The trip is suitable for families with children and young, average age people because it is relaxating, calm and cultural. After the trip the tourists will have got some new knowledge about Semigalia, which is a good way to broaden their view about other areas of Latvia.
All excursions, accommodations and catering are included in the trip price, which is comparatively reasonable in view of that the trip is three day long.