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Опубликованно: 19.02.2010.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

Aromatherapy invigorates the mind and heals the wound.
Scent of the world are exposed to our senses, providing both relaxing and stimulating feelings. Traditionally, therefore, has the physical health of body and mind to strengthen the relaxation of the variety of plant essential oils, in other words - aromatherapy.

Up to 500 different components.
Essential oils are the concentrated extracts, which are obtained by distillation from the plant flowers, fruits, seeds, stems, leaves, bark, or roots. These oils are very fragrant and free water. Unlike fruit oils are mild, gaisīgas and consists of numerous hydrogen compounds. Essential oils may contain up to 500 different chemical components, so they have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral effects. Oils in alcohols and ketones provides bactericidal activity of phenols and ethers - bacteriostatic activity, Terpenes and spirits are antiseptic, and aldehydes - anti-viral effects. Oil is a natural antioxidant, it reinforces the blood circulation, activates the endocrine glands, stimulates the body's protective function.
Only clean oil .
Aromatherapy is used only pure essential oil (pure essential oil). To simple effects of essential oils are mixed with the so-called basic substances: oils, such as olive oil, almond oil, salts, waxes, cosmetic preparations. …

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