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Опубликованно: 23.09.2009.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

There are only few dramatists who have so many common between their own life
and work. As one of them is E.O'Neill who,in his most famous drama 'Long
Day's Journey into Night' describes his own family which is an
english-irisch descendants who immigrated to America. He puts even himself into drama, but only in the place of his early dead brother Edmund.
The father James O'Neill was an actor and quite a very successful one, but
who changed his career to more money earning way of life. He always was very tight; never spend much money on his beloved family
e.g. sent his son to a state sanatorium instead of private one, bought a
cheap summer house for his family instead of a proper family house which his
family never had, at the same time while he was buying and rebuying more new
lands. Because of James
O'Neill greediness, the whole family suffered. And because of James
travelling way of life(at the times when he was still an actor), the family
had to move a lot and stay in dirty, smelly cheap hotels. O'Neill's older
brother became a steady drinker and card player. His younger brother became
ill with tuberculosis and that was partly the reason why the mother Mary
O'Neill got addicted to morphium and tried to commit suicide couple of

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