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Опубликованно: 15.12.2020.
Язык: Английский
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ADDITIONALLY: the film mainly focuses on the evolving relationship of Crusoe and Friday, instead of focusing on Crusoe as the novel does. The characters are not at all accurate. Either for the benefit of the audience or maybe for bankability the film has introduced a number of new characters and removed several others and in doing so changed the plot to a great extent. Romantic interest in the movie replaced Crusoe’s parents. All other moments were removed except for the one in which his ship was wrecked.
Ironic death of Friday is also one of the biggest tragedy of the movie as he was killed by white men on the island of cannibals although Crusoe saved Friday from his people in the novel. There were much more such silly mistakes made by the producers which resulted in not achieving perfect or near perfect synchrony with the novel.
I liked the book better because in the book everything was more interesting ,than in the movie. The book was made more entertaining with stories.

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