After conducting research and reading interesting articles about the economic situation within Europe it leads to the conclusion that the Spanish hotel industry is recovering, as well as other European destinations. Furthermore one can see at the example of Barcelona that some Spanish destinations survived the economical crisis very stable until now. Nevertheless one has to take into consideration that the recent pressure on the Euro, due to Ireland and Portugal can negatively affect the economy within Spain. Furthermore the real estate sector in Spain is recovering very slowly and many investors lost money in it. To sum it all up there are two scenarios for the future. The first one takes into consideration that global economy crisis eases off; the travel market recovers and the hotel industry get affected by the boom. The second one takes into consideration that the Euro keeps being under pressure and more money gets invested into the economy. This is bad for the domestic and European market but as marketers say any crisis is an opportunity and the low Euro can attract investors from Asia or the Americas.