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Atlants.lv библиотека
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Опубликованно: 04.06.2007.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

1. What is examined in appeal procedures?

A defendant found guilty may appeal against the finding or against the punishment and the judge of the court will hear the appeal without jury. If a defendant has good reasons to believe the magistrates have made a mistake about a point of law, then he may appeal to the High Court. The appeal system is mostly for the benefit of the defendant, but there are cases of the prosecution successfully appealing for more severe punishment.

2. Which may be reasons that cause labour disputes?
Labour disputes arise when there is disagreement between employers and their employees. The usual causes of labour disputes are pay and working conditions but can also include redundancies, union matters and discipline issues. The most common consequence of labour disputes is that working days are lost due to stoppages of work by employees.
Labour disputes are of interest as they are an indicator of the employee relations climate. Strike action could result in decreased production in the industries where the stoppages of work take place or in other organisations that are reliant on the work places in dispute.

3. In what circumstances do people seek legal advice?

Most people will have a legal situation and not realize it. If a person has any of the following, they have a potential legal situation:

They should definitely contact a lawyer if:

• They are being sued;
• They are accused of a crime;
• They have been asked to make a statement to the police;
• They have been in a serious accident;
• They are considering a lawsuit, divorce, or bankruptcy;
• Someone in their family has died;
• They want to create or revise a will;
• They are buying or selling a home;
• They are starting a business;
• They have an unresolved dispute with a contractor;
• They paid a bill they thought was unfair;
• They have questions about a legal situation;
• They have a contract that needs reviewing prior to signing;
• They are being harassed by creditors;
• They were cited for a traffic violation they thought was unjustified;
• They have an unresolved landlord/tenant dispute.

4. Why do we need law?

Nowadays it is obvious to everyone that in a community such as the one in which we live, some kind of law is necessary to prevent people from different situations. A lot of people of every community have made laws for themselves in self-protection. Otherwise it would have meant that the stronger man could have done what he liked with weaker. The law has to provide for all kinds of possibilities. Every country tries to provide laws, which will help its people to live safety and as comfortably as it is possible.
- protects people
- do their lives easier and safer
- give the right way how to behave etc.

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