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Опубликованно: 10.03.2006.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы


With sporting life continuing to expand, the need for a unifying organisation in Latvia grew stronger at the beginning of the1920-ties.
On March 6, 1921 the meeting of representatives from sports associations was held.
Delegates from Riga, Valmiera, Liepaja, Ventspils and army participated in this meeting.
They decided to found the Latvian Association of Sports Organisations (LASO).
The main task of this organisation would be “to create more units and systems in sporting life“, organise Latvian Olympic competitions and be responsible for setting up a Baltic States sports association.
In order to maintain relations with the International Olympic Committee (IOC), government and external representation of the country, it was decided to set up the Latvian Olympic Committee (LOC).
LASO set main tasks to LOC temporary board: to write statutes, to clarify, what formalities are need to be noticed, when registering records.
Janis Taube, leader of the second bicyclers association became the chairman of the temporary LOC direction.
In the Latvian state archive there is the document, which confirms, that on April 14, 1921 LOC statutes were sent to Riga law-court with the request to register them
However ,the organisational process of setting up the LASO and LOC took over a year.
Those activities were followed by mass media, too.
The members of the new LOC were hardly criticised, because almost all sessions were in German.…

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