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Опубликованно: 02.12.2010.
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III Spearman’s Rho and Kendall’s tau
Spearman’s correlation coefficient is 0.757. I
notice that although the correlation is still
highly significant, the actual value of it is less
than the Spearman correlation (it has decreased
from 0.757 to 0.715). I can still interpret this
as a highly significant result, because the
significance value is still less than 0.05 (in
fact, the value is the same as for the Spearman
correlation, p = 0.000). However, Kendall’s
value is a more accurate gauge of what the
correlation in the population would be. As with
the Pearson correlation we cannot assume that
the trust caused the students to make friendship
with other ERASMUS, nonERASMUS
students or local inhabitants.

IV Regression
I run regression for result where we had
positive, strong, significant and reliable
R is the Pearson product moment correlation
coefficient (.736).
R square (coefficient of determination)
indicates that 54% of the variance in trust can
be predicted from the variable friendship. This
is an overall measure of the strength of
association, and does not reflect the extent to
which any particular independent variable is
associated with the dependent variable.
Adjusted R-square attempts to yield a more
honest value to estimate the R-squared for the
population. The value of R-square is .541,
while the value of adjusted R-square is .530.…

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