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Опубликованно: 11.03.2009.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 1 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Фрагмент работы

After the reunification of Germany a lot of former international system and order changed- unification became a challenge not only for Germany itself, but for all international play ground as such. To interpret this event and realize its consequences many theoretical schools of international politics raised their own approaches and positions to it. Three main of them were neorealism, liberalism and constructivism, which at that moment were not only three main in this case of studies but also three main in all political science’s theoretical field. For example, from neorealist point of view, German reunification together with end of Cold War was very significant events for German and international further policy- they altered the European power structure in Germany's favor, because the end of previous bipolar system and East-West conflict will reduce Germanys dependence on the U.S. and other powers. This and many other positions and theses are expressed, using these three theoretical schools of international politics, interpreting German Foreign policy after unification, which will be considered in this paper’s further parts.
There are three main settings, in which the German Foreign policy will be discussed or patterns in which it has developed- first, the continuation of Germany's pre-unification foreign policy characterized by multilateral binding and supranational integration; second, foreign policy change towards more "power politics"; and third, foreign policy transformation avoiding opportunities for power politics and moving towards more multilateral co-operation than previously practiced.1
Talking about first pattern- The German commitment to European integration in general and to monetary union in particular is certainly one of the most striking cases. Though some observers have noted a link between Germany's support for monetary union and French acceptance of German unification, the German commitment indeed reaches further back to the late 1980s when unification was not yet planned.

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