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Опубликованно: 30.03.2007.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Основная школа
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Фрагмент работы

A gothic masterpiece. Notre Dame, conceived by Maurice de Sully, was built between the twelfth and fourteenth centuries (1163-1345). Road distances in France are calculated on the basis of the "0km" marked on the square in front of the cathedral. The Treasurey of the cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris. Free lectures at the cathedral every day in French from Monday to Friday at noon, Saturday at 2.30 p.m. Also in foreign languages (information by phone

Arc de Triomphe was started to built after Napoleon victory in Austerlitz in 1806 but as not finished until 1836. There are four huge relief sculptures at the bases of the four pillars. These commemorate The Triumph of 1810 (Cortot); Resistance , and Peace (both by Etex); and The Departure of the Volunteers, more commonly known by the name La Marseillaise (Rude).
Engraved around the top of the Arch are the names of major victories won during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic periods. The names of less important victories, as well as those of 558 generals, are to found on the inside walls. Generals whose names are underlined died in action. …

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