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Опубликованно: 11.12.2002.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

Latvia is one of the three Baltic States situated on the South coast of the Baltic sea. It is in the north-eastern past of europa. It`s teritory is 64,000km2 and its population is about 2,7 milion. Latvia is a little country in the East Europe.
The capital of latvia is RIGA. It is the cultural and industrial centre of the State. Riga is the largest city in Latvia and there live about 800000 citizens. There are old part of Riga (old Riga). There are many culture objects in old Riga. Riga is situated in Zemgale. The seat of the government is also in Riga. Amids narrow streets, ware hauses from Middle ages, dwelling hauses and numerous churches, you need just a little bit of imagination to star feeling that you have travelled back to past centuries.
The bigest industries in Riga are Aldaris, Laima, Staburadze. Aldaris produce alcohol, but Laima and Staburadze produce sweets. The first sweets plant in Riga is company Laima and justified in 1870 by a German entrepreneur Theodor Riegert. In the beginig of the 20th century the plant manufactured about 900 sorts of swwets, as chocolats. The products of Laima were exported to France, Sweden, Canada, Norway, and ather countries of the world. The one of the most popular industry is shipping industry in Riga.…

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