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Опубликованно: 10.01.2022.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Основная школа
Литературный список: 6 единиц
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Фрагмент работы

It's interesting that the old foundations have been used for places for the new castle. Places in the basements of the castle show more ancient drawings. In some places, vaults and wall building techniques differ. However, these differences do not necessarily indicate the fitting of the old castle parts to the new one, as they could also result in a break and a change of masters over the 20-year course of construction.
This building, Riga Palace, is special because it is a symbol of Latvia's secular power and a home for all of Latvia's people. It has a place for each of us. This was the first building I wanted to see in life because it has experienced as much as no one else.
These days, the castle has six towers – in corners the towers of St. Spirit, Swin, Piper and North, and the tower of Eker and Trident stars. The palace walls are about 3 meters thick.
This building is special, it has been for mercenaries of different nationalities (Hungarian Scots, etc.) who have put something of themselves in it. It has had a number of rulers who have changed it somehow. It is composed of Gothic, manicure, Baroque architecture, classicism, imperial style and others. Riga Palace is an architectural monument of national importance. It is best preserved in the Baltic of the medieval castle.

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