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Опубликованно: 02.07.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

Was built in the Dominican monastery ensemble after 1234, first as a chapel. After expulsion of the Dominicans in th period of reformation the building was privately owned - it was used as a stable and later as a weapon workshop. In 1582 it became a part of a Latvian parish. In 1587-89 the eastern altar part was added. As a legend goes, in the XV century two monks were walled up there at their own will. Only a small window in the wall to pass them food and drinks was left. Only a small window in the wall to pass them food and drinks was left. They wished to be canonized but they didn't tolerate long and died soon. And the Pope never canonized them being sure that they had been moved only by their ambitions. The spot where the monks were walled up, and buried, can be easily seen today - it is marked by a cruciform barred aperture in the wall.The only military history museum in Latvia. Founded in 1916 as a museum of Latvian riflemen. Wound up in 1941, restored in 1990. Permanent display on Latvian riflemen in the World War I, fights for liberation, Latvian army and navy in the period of 1920-40. Regular exhibitions on various topics of military history. 194 units in the museum's reserve.…

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