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Опубликованно: 13.09.2010.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
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Фрагмент работы

n the first case to hold conquered terrtory is not that difficult ,especially when inhabitants didn`t know about freedom before,it`s enough just to destroy the old leader`s relative line,the main source of problems,but all other laws and aspects should be saved.If everything is done correctly then in a very short time conquered land would merge with the conqueror state.But in the second case a lot depends on skills ,as well as on luck.Machiavelli thought that it is necessary to settle on the conquered land,because he said that you can only know what is really happening in the country if you live there ,and this can help to recognise the possible threat and to neutralise it immediately.,otherwise it will be noticeable when all methods of neutralising are useless.Also Machiavelli offered to settle colonies in a few places,which would connect new lands with a conqueror state.Colonies don`t ask for a big financial expenses and will desolate only a small group of people ,who`s fields and houses go to new inhabitants,so colonies are quite cheap for a ruler ,and serve him well.It is not profitable at all to settle an army on the new territories,because they will cost much more expensive and will take all benefits that come from a new land,also armie can cause a problem among the population,just because of it`s presence,so it can cause hatred among some people.…

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