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Опубликованно: 13.10.2020.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Рассмотреный период: 2016–2020 гг.
Фрагмент работы

Task 4
Please, reflect about the following statement: Don’t make assumptions about other cultures and places and always follow the media critically.
I totally agree to this statement because a lot of times there are fake news in internet. But if people write fake news it doesn’t mean that the person is doing on purpose. A lot of times people write fake news not because they want to insult somebody with no proof etc. but because writers don’t have exact information so they write what they have heard.

But obviously that writer who wrote that fake new heard someone saying that assumption about some culture, country etc. Root for some assumption for example about Africa could be from some one who has never been to Africa or someone who doesn’t even know what Africa is.

The reason why a lot of people don’t disagree when they see something unflattering written or when they have heard something unflattering about some culture, country etc. is because they think that the author of this article or friend who has told you that exact information has safe information and because of that there doesn’t even come thought in people’s minds that this information could be not real and that it could be an assumption.

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