Historiska novele
Tulkots no angļu valodas-Grāmatu zaglis ir austrāliešu autora Markusa Zusaka vēsturiskais romāns, un tas ir viņa populārākais darbs. Grāmata zagle, kas izdota 2005. gadā, kļuva par starptautisku bestselleru un tika tulkota 63 valodās un pārdota 16 miljonos eksemplāru. Tas tika pielāgots 2013. gada mākslas filmai ar tādu pašu nosaukumu.
Par Darbu
Rakstīts pēc pareizrakstības principiem.
Iesaku noskatīties filmu,pēc grāmatas motīviem, ja prezentēsi vai nodosi šo Darbu.
Atzīme bija 10 ( Uzslavēja tēlainību.)
The Book Thief is written by Markus Zusak, wonderful author from Australia.
The story takes place in 1939. Nazi Germany.
This is story about Little girl, Liesel’s Meminger’s life.
Book starts when Liesel have to see her little brother death on a train, and she has to get new home and new foster parents. By her brother’s graveside, Liesel pick up a Gravedigger’s Handbook, left behind there by accident, hidden in the snow.
It was her first act of book thievery....
When Death collects her soul, he gives her the manuscript she lost in the bombing.
Liesel asks him if he read it and Death says yes.
She asks him if he understood it, Death confused and unable to understand the duality of humanity says the last words for Liesel: "I am haunted by humans."
I was impressed by Liesel’s moral strength. I was crying and laughing and smiling and thinking a lot while I was reading this book. Book was very interesting, It was really intriguing and I read this book in one night. I think that this is powerful story and also this book is beautifully written. I like it.