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Опубликованно: 01.02.2022.
Язык: Латышский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

• High-tech neuroscience did not discover any of the Official View's six core elements. All of these are old beliefs that were part of 19th-century moral and medical approaches to addiction, particularly those of the American temperance movement; (Alexander, 2010a)
• Addiction is neither solely or predominantly an issue caused by alcohol or drugs. In fact, alcohol and drug addiction are just a small part of the enormous and tragic pattern of human addictions; (Alexander, 2010a)
• Based on the text the vast majority of people who experiment with "addictive drugs" do not develop an addiction; (Alexander, 2010a)
• Most people who are addicted to drugs, as well as other habits, are not out of control, according to clinicians and drug counselors who listen attentively to the drug users stories in settings of trust. Most drug users can explain why socially acceptable lifestyles are unappealing to them as well as difficult for them to accomplish, and they can explain the roles that their addictions fulfill for them; (Alexander, 2010a)
• Addiction, like all other human activities, is often influenced by the human genome and the genetic characteristics of each individual in diverse ways. Some people are genetically predispositioned to become addicted to substances more easily; (Alexander, 2010a)
• Large-scale field research and clinical investigations of "natural recovery" demonstrate that roughly three-quarters of people who get addicted to a drug as a teenager recover, often without any addiction treatment at all. By the age of 30, more than half of them have recovered; (Alexander, 2010a)
• Despite the fact that the scientific virtues are continually glorified in the popular literature, neuroscientific explanations of addiction are not persuasive, are continuously changing, and are rarely used in the diagnosis or treatment of addiction, even by their most passionate supporters; (Alexander, 2010a)
• Addiction cannot be viewed solely as a disease affecting a subset of people who have genetic or acquired predispositions to addiction in otherwise healthy communities; (Alexander, 2010a)

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