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Опубликованно: 25.05.2009.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: 3 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Фрагмент работы

The theme we chose for our research is the usage of French borrowings in English for Finance and Banking.
The hypothesis we have brought forward is as follows: a large quantity of terms from French have been introduced in English for Finance and Banking. We will try to prove our hypothesis with means of analyzing discourse in books related to our topic and in articles on business and finance.
The research subject is based on the matter of French influence on English language during its development, and specifically at the state of Middle English. The influence manifested itself as direct and observable changes in English vocabulary [1, 163] with the aid of borrowings. This movement of borrowings can be divided one from the other with the year 1250. Those before were words devoted to contact with French speaking nobility and words that were introduced through literary channels. Those after year 1250 are those in which we are most interested in – common French words and those linked with governmental and administrative vocabulary, also legal and military terms, the vocabulary of learning and medicine and more. [1;164-165]. Thus consequences of these borrowings and Norman Conquest as such were a merging of the sources of two languages [1;170]. According to our sources in literature the total number of French words adopted during the Middle English Period was slightly over 10’000 and about 75 percent of those are still in a current use [1;174].…

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