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Опубликованно: 27.12.2010.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

BCN is the second largest city in Spain
Barcelona is the capital and the most populous city of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia
Language:Catalan, Spanish
Population is over 4,2M ,area- 803 km2
Barcelona is the 12th-most-visited city in the world and 4th most visited in Europe
It is in addition the most popular tourist destination in Spain (receiving over 5 million tourists every year)
Barcelona is the 15th most livable city in the World according to lifestyle magazine Monocle.
It is the 4th richest city by GDB in the EU and 35th in the world with an output amounting to €177 billion.
During the Middle Ages, the city was variously known as Barchinona, Barçalona, Barchelona, and Barchenona.
Some sources say that the city could have been named after the Carthaginian general Hamilcar Barca
Its average annual temperature is 15.6 °C. In the coldest month – January, the typically temperature ranges from 7 to 15 °C ,in the warmest month – August, the typically temperature ranges from 25 to 31 °C and the average sea temperature is 25 °C . Generally – summer's season lasts about 6 months . The highest temperature recorded in the city centre was 39.9 °C on 27 August 2010 , the coldest temperature recorded was −6.7 °C on 11 February 1956
Drivers in Barcelona are considered among the worst in the world, with accidents occurring in the city every nineteen seconds.
Antoni Gaudi is considered one of the great architects who vastly influenced buildings in the city. His La Sagrada Familia, a Roman Catholic Church was begun in 1882 and is still under construction many years after his death.
Saint Georges Day is the national feast day in the region and on this day it is a tradition to present your near and dear ones with roses and books. This was the inspiration for the UNESCO to declare April 23rd as the International Day of Books.
Walk down the Portal de l’Àngel if you want to walk down the most walked down street in Spain and you will be one among approximately 3500 others who throng the street every hour!
The best beach city in the world by National Geographic. …

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