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Опубликованно: 28.11.2003.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

I’ll write about Brussels in my study work,because,I think that it is wery nice place in the world,and many tourists from all the world come to see this beautifil city.
Brussels is not only the capital of Belgium but also the seat of European Commission and and the administrative capital of Europe. However,the city has retained its typical character,a sort of individuality resulting from it being a melting pot of cultures over the past centures.
The legendary „ Mannekin Pis” stands asa simbol of the roguish nature of the Brussels city dweller, a mixture of the French ‘savoir vivre’ and the Flemish good- naturednes. At the corner of the Rue de l'Etuve and the Rue du Chene, stands the fountain of “Manekin Pis”. The statue has long been a beloved figure in Brussels, having come to be regarded as an honored citizen of the town. Kings, Presidents, and celebrities have given costumes to the Manneken-Pis. He now has a wardrobe of more than 250.
The small streets around „ Grand Place”abound with typical Brussels bonhomie,and the restaurants offrr delicacies that will please even the most discriminating gourment. The heart of Brussels and the place to start getting to know the city is the Grand'Place. This historic square, lined with exuberantly ornate guild houses and focused on the Gothic heights of the Hotel de Ville, is widely held to be one of Europe's finest. The Grand'Place is also, as it has been for centuries, the focal point of the city's social and civic life. The people of Brussels gather here for their most important ceremonies and festivals, for the traditional bird market on Sunday mornings, and - perhaps most importantly - for no task more pressing than to sit, have a beer, and let the world pass.

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