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Опубликованно: 02.02.2018.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
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Фрагмент работы

determine what is covered in the contract:
for example, if the service contract is for a unit, decide what repairs and maintenance will be included and if all costs related with each will be covered. If the unit needs a new muffler, will the costs of both the parts and service be included? Service contracts typically do not cover repairs that are due to user misuse or negligence, so make sure this is addressed in the contract.
create a new document in a word processing program. Title it “Service Contract” and list the name of the purchased item at the top:
include specific details about the item, such as serial number and model, or for aunit, make, model, and year;
list your business name and contact information below the heading;
include a space for the salesperson’s name;
add a space to include the date.

list each covered item you determined in step 1 in a bulleted list with supporting information underneath. Be as specific as possible to avoid confusion for your customers;
create a section called “Exclusions” or “What is Not Covered” to indicate what items or repairs are not a part of the service contract. List these items in a bulleted list;
create a section titled “Rights to Cancel,” which indicates what the purchaser of the service can do to cancel the contract if they desire. If he or she is not allowed to cancel the service contract after purchase, indicate this in the section;

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Комплект работ Nr. 1364471
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