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Опубликованно: 11.08.2020.
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Фрагмент работы

Foundation for an open society DOTS, previously called a Soros foundation – Latvia, is a part of Open Society Foundations. Its main goal is to strengthen democracy in, raise a quality of life by supporting social entrepreneurship and support minorities in Latvia.
In 2018 Soros transferred about 18 billion dollars to Open society Foundations, so now his net worth is about 8 billion dollars
Although he gives many of his earnings to charity, people have different thoughts about him. He is called on of the biggest speculators in the history of world.
In 1992, George Soros made one of the most known trades in recent times when he borrowed and bet a large sum of money against the British pound. In the process, he profited over 1 billion dollars and made the bank of England crash by making pounds value very low.
Many believes that Soros have caused financial crisis in many countries with a goal to make profit from exchange rate fluctuations.
He also have many political enemies, one of them is Donald Trump, they both are enemies for a long time because of their different political mindsets. He is also very hated in Hungary due to claims that he supports illegal immigration.

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