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Опубликованно: 17.12.2008.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

What is the book about?....
The novel is about a middle-class country life in the beginning of 19 century.
There are five daughters in the Bennet family (Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty and Lydia), who lives in the village of Longbourn), and marriage is the only career open to them.
Mr Bingley – a young, handsome man - arrives to his estate with his friend Mr Darcy, who seems to be very proud and arrogant young man.
Mrs Bennet wants Mr Bingley to marry with some of 5 daughters.
Mr Bingley falls in love with Jane
Than the book shows many heroes, men, and their relations with 5 daughters (a clergyman Mr Collins, who is very boring; Mr Wickham, who seems to be honest, at first glance, but than comes to light his real face, etc).
The main heroes are Elizabeth and Mr Darcy. During all events in the novel, there were shown Elizabeth’s attitude to Mr Darcy, from a negative opinion about him, even detestation, to love and wedding.
The end of book is very happy, 3 of daughters find their love, who are all very rich, influential men, and Mr and Mrs Bennet are satisfied.
Children relations with parents (parent’s influence on daughter’s choise)
Relations between elder ang younger sisters (not only a pleasure, but also a jealousy)
The first incorrect and prejudice opinion about people.…

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