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Опубликованно: 13.05.2009.
Язык: Английский
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Фрагмент работы

John Winston Ono Lennon,
(9 October 1940 – 8 December 1980) was an English rock musician, singer, songwriter, artist, and peace activist who gained worldwide fame as one of the founding members of The Beatles.
Lennon revealed a rebellious nature and biting wit in his music, on film, in books, and at press conferences and interviews. He was controversial through his work as a peace activist and artist.
John Winston Lennon was born in 9 October 1940, Liverpool.
He was named after his paternal grandfather, John 'Jack' Lennon, and Winston Churchill. Julia bought Lennon his first guitar in 1957.
Lennon was only accepted into the Liverpool College of Ar There, Lennon met his future wife, Cynthia Powell.
Lennon failed an annual Art College exam despite help from Powell, and dropped out before his last year of college.
On 6 July 1957, Lennon met McCartney at the Quarrymen's second concert and began writing songs together.
The first song Lennon completed was "Hello, Little Girl" when he was 18 years old. After a series of name changes, the group decided on The Beatles.
On 11 February 1963, the group recorded their first album Please Please Me. Lennon also spoke warmly of his former band members, however, by saying: "I still love those guys. The Beatles are over, but John, Paul, George and Ringo go on." …

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