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Опубликованно: 27.08.2020.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: 3 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

(slide 3)
The painting on the left is called “dreams” and it was painted in 1982, in a photo-realism style. This is my favorite painting from Miervaldis Polis. A young woman in folk costume can be seen in the paintings background. This young woman is the artist's then-wife in hers mothers made folk costume from Bārtes
region. With her head tilted and her eyes closed, she sits beside a juniper bush with a gorgeous crown placed at the bare feet. The artist himself has said the following words about the painting.“I was fascinated by Rainis and Latvian folk songs, i thought much about the idea of latvianness - it was something totally natural to the painting, and the image of Courland's princess seemed a perfect symbol.”
This is not the artists only work that futures this young lady. On the right, you can see an art work with the image of the same maiden in a 1988 calendar.

(slide 7)
On this slide three women's portraits can be seen. The Portrait of Maija Tabaka(who is one of today's most prominent Latvian painters.), the Portrait of Līga Purmale.(who was the artists wife at the time) and the Portrait of Olga Kliģere (who was a close acquaintance of the Latvian poet Rainis)

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