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Опубликованно: 08.01.2010.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

From XIII till XVI century the present territory of Rezekne was the centre of Livonia state. For the first time our city was mentioned in 1285 under the name “Rositten”.
Since 1582 Rezekne was the part of Poland-Lithuania princedom. After the first division of Poland in 1772 Rezekne became the part of Russian Empire. In 1773 Rezekne was granted with the rights of county city.
Rezekne boomed in its development in 1836, when the road St. Petersburg - Warsaw was built. The railway St. Petersburg - Warsaw was constructed in 1860 but line Ventspils-Ribinska was built in 1904.
During the World War II the most of public and dwelling buildings were ruined, therefore after the war it was necessary to rebuild almost all the city. However, one of the oldest streets of the city - Latgale's Street - still has got a part of historical buildings. Close to Cathedral there is the building (1780) that was used for governmental offices.
Geographical layout
Its layout in the cross of two strategically important transportation trunk roads and railway (Riga-Moscow and Petersburg-Warsaw) creates good preconditions for successful development of the city.
Rezekne borders with Russia, Lithuania and Byelorussia.
It has become a border city between EU, NATO and the Eastern states.
Rezekne is located 242 km from the state capital Riga, 685 km from Moscow, 450 km from St. Petersburg, and 860 km from Warsaw. …

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