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Опубликованно: 27.09.2021.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

In addition, the regions can use a list of other diplomatic opportunities, depending on their interest and capabilities - cross-border cooperation, twin cities, thematic cooperation. Regions can organize official visits and participate in international events. Finally, regions can join cross-border cooperation networks and associations. For example, the regions of Europe have joined the Assembly of the Regions of Europe.
Regional diplomacy in most cases corresponds to the country's course in international relations, because it is the country that finances the corresponding regional institutions from the budget. However, there are cases, for example, Catalonia in Spain and Quebec in Canada, when regional diplomacy goes against the main course of the country. That is why the ministries of foreign affairs are trying to support the interests of the regions, while at the same time coordinating their relations with those of the country.
In conclusion, we can conclude that regional diplomacy has its pluses and minuses - for example, it contributes to the development of the region, but at the same time it can be opposite to the country's policy.

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