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Strengths & Weaknesses - Goal Setting
Goal setting is a efficient method to boost athlete’s self-confidence, because setting goals can help athlete to foster a positive approach to focusing on himself/herself and not comparing himself/herself against other athletes. Also, when athlete will be making improvements, through the actions that he/she take and the goals that he/she achieve, then he/she will become more confident. As well as, by seeing the improvements that he/she is making, due to the efforts that he/she is putting in, athlete will understand that he/she is capable of raising his/her level of performance. As a result, this will encourage him/her to push himself/herself further, leading to a cycle of on-going improvement. Of course, it is important to know that just only setting goals does not guarantee all of these benefits. However, to actually provide these benefits the goals that athlete sets with help of coach need to be effective.
Moreover, goal setting is known as one of the best methods for increasing motivation. Setting a target with help of coach can make athlete become much more motivated to achieve it, because without the goal athlete and coach do not really have anything to work towards. Also, goal setting can help athlete and coach to gain a sense of direction.
Goal setting will effectively increase athlete’s persistence, patience, effort and overall performance. As well as, setting goals will require athlete and coach to determine the right techniques to achieve all set goals, if they will not be able to determine the right techniques, all set goals will be never achieved or will take a lot of time to achieve, making goals setting ineffective method of improving athlete’s performance.
Furthermore, goal setting can help athlete to focus on improving areas for improvement and also can help athlete to focus his/her energy and attention on areas that are productive. Also, goal setting help coach to use his/her energy only on effective training techniques to improve athlete's performance as soon as possible.
Targets must be specific to the athlete’s ability and can also be measurable. The targets must also be achievable and realistic. If mentioned before requirements of setting goals will not be met, it will decrease the effectivity of this method of performance improving. Coach must to help his/her athlete to set goals correctly by setting SMART targets.
Goal setting might be ineffective may of improving athlete's performance, if coach is not able to carefully plan targets and group them into short-term and long-term. Also, this method might be ineffective, if coach set unrealistic goals for his/her athlete.

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