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Atlants.lv библиотека
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Опубликованно: 27.11.2018.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

The British Library is not just the largest library in terms of number of items catalogued in London, but the world. Though you need to a be a resident of the UK to be able to access the reading rooms, once you are eligible the membership is free to the 150 million items, sourced from across the world.
Some interesting facts:
3 million new items are added every year
The collection includes well over 150 million items, in most known languages.
If you see 5 items each day, it would take you over 80,000 years to see the whole of the collection
The London Library
As the name might suggest, if you are looking for books, The London Library wouldn’t be a bad place to start. With a collection of over one million books and anyone eligible for membership, The London Library takes pride in its position amongst the elite of literary institutions in the capital, providing intellectual support some of the great minds of British culture since 1841. If a full membership doesn’t take your fancy, there are free evening tours of the library happening regularly throughout the year.

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