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Опубликованно: 07.02.2011.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

History of previous relations with EU
1991 - The European Council recognised the independence of Belarus
1994 - Relations between The European Communities and Belarus were based on the Trade and Co-
operation Agreement concluded with USSR in 1989
• 1995 - The European Communities and Belarus signed Partnership and Cooperation Agreement
• 1997 - The Council suspend the process of ratification of the PCA with Belarus and freeze the
Interim Trade Agreement; EU considers the Belarus authorities too undemocratic; Negotiations
with Belarus on a PCA were completed in
• 1995. The conclusion and ratification of the PCA as well as an Interim Agreement are frozen since
• 1997, after the introduction of an authoritarian system of power by President Lukashenko during
• 1998 - “Drozdy conflict” Belorussian authorities evicted foreign diplomats from their residences on
the pretext of repairing water and sewage pipes. The EU retaliate by imposing a visa ban on the
President of Belarus
• 2003 - the Council of EU expressed its great concern regarding flawed conduct of the local election
held in March 2003 and the arrest and imprisonment of a number of the participant in peacefully
demonstration in Minks…

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