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Опубликованно: 25.01.2010.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Introduction    4
  Oxford University description    5
  Entry requirements for young people from Latvia    6
  Additional testing in the following subjects    7
  Organisation    8
  Degrees    9
  Studies costs    10
  Some Oxford University picture    11
Фрагмент работы

The University of Oxford (informally Oxford University, or simply Oxford), located in the UK city of Oxford, is the oldest surviving university in the English-Speaking world and is regarded as one of the world's leading academic institutions.
I chose write about Oxford because it is one the best universities in the world.I want find out more this institutions.To my mind that is very interesting and useful small insight about Oxford University.

Oxford University description
Year of establishment- 1096th
Number of students is about 20 000 full-time department of which 11 300 study bachelor’s programs.This is the first university in the world in which the study was offered in English and the oldest university in Britain. It will keep the world's best universities in the top ten. Oxford University is a global research center.Its graduates include 25Its graduates include 25 British Prime Ministers, 25 world leaders, as well as 47 Nobel laureates. The main feature of the learning process is the "tutorial" system, which provides weekly individual sessions with mentors, a student who intends to read the necessary literature and writing essays. At the same time, visited the lectures and seminars. University consists of 38 colleges, and each student is "registered" in a specific college. In general, university students studying from 138 countries. Most students are from the United States,China,Germany,Canada and India.…

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