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Опубликованно: 26.11.2021.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

Organisation of Tourism
The present model of tourism management in Poland is a reflection of changes initiated in 1989. Before that year the organisation of tourism was based on the principles of a centrally planned economy. Most decisions were made by central institutions, while the role of local governments were put in the second role.
In those times, some economic aspects of tourism only applied to international tourism as outbound travel depended on the availability of foreign exchange. Domestic tourism had a strictly social dimension and was organised largely by state-owned enterprises and social institutions.
After the demise of the centrally planned economy, the ensuing socioeconomic changes reduced the role of central government in the tourism economy. The new tourism management model was built on the principle of decentralisation.
Local government at the lowest level of administration – the gmina (urban or rural municipality) – was reinstated in Poland in 1990. In the second stage of the reform, which took place in 1999, two additional tiers of local government were established: regional voivodship (province), and sub-regional powiat (county).Poland’s local government is, therefore, organised on three levels, with the fundamental unit – in the true spirit of self
government - being the gmina (municipality).The role of gminas is to satisfy the needs of local communities. Planning, i.e. setting the priorities for local development, is one of the tasks performed by municipalities.…

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